Advent Calendar

We have made a tradition during the month of December to prepare for Christmas day.

In the evenings, we drink a cup of tea, eat biscuits and read a Bible verse that speaks about Jesus.

This year we have created a special advent calendar, with a rotating dial, each day it releases a new verse to be read.


  • paper
  • geometry compass
  • protractor
  • ruler
  • glue
  • paper cutter
  • scissors
  • paper pin
  • cardboard

Time: 1-2 hours

For an A4 paper, the circle should be about 6 cm radius.

For 24 days, the angle between days is 15 degrees (360 divided by 24)

Step 1 – Create the circle

On a paper draw a 6 cm radius circle, repeat on 2-3 extra papers.

Cut the circle.

Glue all circles together

Step 2 – On second paper, draw the circle

An easy way to draw all the angles is to measure with the protractor one angle and then adjust the compass opening to the distance between the two points where the lines of the 15 degree angle is intersecting the circle

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

Draw completely the lines from center to the paper edge.

Also create some small openings on the circle to be used as release locks for each day.

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advent calendar

Cut the inner circle out, we use only the rest of the paper that will be the days doors.

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advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

Glue the front page over an empty page.

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advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

Open the days doors

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advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

Step 3 – Assemble the dial over the paper

With a paper pin place the external circle (dial) over the second paper.

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advent calendar

Draw the days numbers

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advent calendar

Color the days

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advent calendar

Draw a Christmas tree on the inner circle

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advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

Step 4 – Glue to a cardboard

Finish the job gluing the calendar on a cardboard

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advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

Write the Bible verses on each day

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advent calendar

advent calendar

advent calendar

The final calendar:

advent calendar

advent calendar

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