Water Rocket with Raspberry Pi – V2
You can see the first version of the rocket here: Water Rocket with Raspberry Pi – V1 As explained in V1, the parts needed for water rocket are: Bottle, Nozzle, Fins, Release mechanism, Head...
You can see the first version of the rocket here: Water Rocket with Raspberry Pi – V1 As explained in V1, the parts needed for water rocket are: Bottle, Nozzle, Fins, Release mechanism, Head...
We have started to learn about rockets. Not only theoretical learning, but also practical. We have build a type of rocket that can theoretically reach (based on current records) close to 1 km altitude....
We have smart phones, smart watches … how about a Smart Clock? What do you need: old wall clock raspberry pi stepper motor 28-BYJ-48 wires hotglue plywood – optional
This project provides instructions how to create a very simple photo camera using Raspberry Pi Zero. Required Materials Raspberry Pi Zero (you can use also other models, update the case accordingly) https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/pi-zero-w/ Pi Camera https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/camera-module-v2/ Raspberry...