Make your own Robotic arm with stuff you can find at home
So………. where was I … oh hi I didn’t see you there ! I am dan-mousey and today I will show you how to make your own robotic arm!
Om nom nom nom (muffled) I am eating pizza . So … nom nom NOM !!! Mmmmmmm yummy pizza here is how it will look when it is finished
Things You Will Need:
- a marker
- 5 straws with accordion
- a pair of scissors
- string
- tape
this is everything you will need
so … oops
I forgot my lines oh
now I remember them !
step 1:
align 4 of them straight like in the image below and tape them together on the short part of the accordion
Step 2
add the thumb and bend it in over the other ones
Step 3
overlap the straws on your hand and mark with a marker on the straws the joints and edges of your hand
step 4:
cut the edges off and cut small bits of the joints
step 5:
insert the a string in from the back to the front and tape
pull the strings to grab with the hand and release them to open the hand have fun !
Super ! Bravo. Imi place cum lucrati impreuna.